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Christmas Art Competition - 2005, Page 1

Please see the rules on the main page:

Christmas Art Competition

Winners: Christmas 2005

<news:Winners of the Christmas Art Competition!>

By [Forever Equine]
By [Zardra]

All submissions:
Christmas Art 05, Page 1
Christmas Art 05, Page 2


Thank you to all that contributed!


Reminder 1: Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag.
Reminder 2: There is a theme. It is "What kinds of presents would fantasy races give to each other?"
Make sure the entries fit the theme, or they will be removed.


This contest is closed!


1. [Jewl] "Drax and Tom" -Basically, Tom is an Elf, so his gift to his best friend, Drax, is neat and tidy. While Drax, being an Orc, does the best he can with brown paper and twine. Almost looks like the bag is struggling... *evil laughter*

2. [Atayemi] "Ixuos, taking his candy cane present to his mistress."

3. [Elegy - gone]
a) "An, eh... interesting Christmas present."
(Click to view larger version)

b) "The Halflings Gift to his Friend the Duck" (Entry changed)
(Click to view larger version)

4. [Artemis Riddle]
The faeries got snow from the snowqueen this year:)
"From winter to faerie."

5. [Mom] What does an Orc get a fairy for Christmas?Something shiny and reflective of course.


This elven lady thinks her orc friend will enjoy this present as much as she would :p Speaks for itself I think ^___^ Click to enlarge :)

7. [Ramirez]
"A... White Christmas."
Jin and Shuichi's present to their darkly clad uncle would be a face full of snow..
(not sure if I did that right)

"A get together christmas!"
Okay this one has a elf,human,dragon,werewolf,unicorn,fairy and a sky elf okay!^^

"Something special.."

9. [Rat Hacker]
[First off I hope the image link works since I have been having trouble with that.]
This is what a Gnoll would give an Elf, a big hunk of meat! While the elf has created a nice well magical thing. I didn't want to do a dead person because I thought that it might be too grousome for here.

10."Have a very faerie Christmas" - [idyllicday]
*I used the theme as a human child giving her room to faeries for a cozy Christmas night, complete with cookies, milk, and a Christmas tree for the inquisitive creatures. The faeries give the human child the feeling of joy and wonder at the sight she is able to see for Christmas night.*

11. [Ocean Soul]
Faeries like it clean and nice, so this one decided to give her orc friend a toothbrush ;) MAGICAL!

Mice are bad for your stommac!

13. [Elisha Kelly]
Giving the tooth fairy a candycane for christmas...

14. "Gift by Moonlight" by [Paz]
Explanation: This is what I would imagine an evil demonic force of pure evil would give his mistress; something too much unexpected. She would open it up and squeal in delight and dance around before heading out to burn a village XD. This critter I created can spit acid and fire... so I guess he could help.

And with a 'Happy Holidays Slogan' >3

15. [Suzu]
Well, An Elf loves to give his presents flying wings, So they can deliver themselves.

16. [Clairey]
What does a fairy get a duck as a present? Well she doesn't know either so the tradtional bread slice seemed most appropriate.

"the peaceful gift of a sword" by [Tamel]

18. [farawaygone]
Im not sure what these are I just drew what I felt like. Definately fantasy creatures lol.

19. "Some Presents Are Simple"- [Chimes]
Well this just goes to show that somethings dont need brilliant presents they just need snow.

20. "Christmas Magic" by [Artsieladie] I think pixie dust makes a neat gift, don't you? My poem entry goes with....
For the contest I kept it to 300, but it's a little bigger in my house to see the detail a little better.

21. 'from her to her' by [Seany.] just a little pic i drew ^_^

22. 'treasury gift' by [nehirwen]
the dragon gives a part of his treasure he guards away for christmas

23. [Dr.Mandarian] A heavy orcish battle axe might be... a LITTLE bit impractical to use - for a HALFLING!


24. [Forever Equine] A man giving his elven wife a tender kiss under the mistletoe. I know mistletoe doesn't really look like that but it's my fantasy mistletoe!;)

25. [Urmando The Elfling] And the Orc said to the Elf: "Sorry, for breaking your first wand, Merry X-mas!"


26. 'Little Elven Boy's Gift' by [Master Fio]


Don't place more entries here.
Go to Christmas Art 05, Page 2


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- Christmas Art Competition
- Christmas Art 05, Page 2
- Christmas Poetry Competition

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2005-11-22 [cobi]: nice one [Elegy - gone]

2005-11-22 [BinaryPhoenix]: LOL, kewl!

2005-11-22 [Charybdis]: This is just a reminder to everyone: Please make sure your picture follows the theme! :)

2005-11-22 [Elegy - gone]: hehe, thanks ^_^

2005-11-22 [RoyDante]: "marry christmas".. ;) lol, [Elegy - gone], I like that girl's expression! xD

2005-11-22 [Elegy - gone]: thank you ^_^ I'm actually kind of happy with it myself

2005-11-22 [Atayemi]: Yes, I forgot!! Drawing new entry right now!!

2005-11-22 [Atayemi]: Is that entry okay??

2005-11-22 [Zab]: Ehm... not sure. :) but it's a nice image tho.

2005-11-22 [Elegy - gone]: Ok, girl with an idea coming through.... wouldn't it be nice if someone thumbnailed all the pictures? it would be way easier to get an overview then ^_^ I'll even do it myself if I get the permission...

2005-11-22 [Atayemi]: Thanks :) I don't see why not, I mean its a present that the unicorn is taking to his mistress....

2005-11-22 [Atayemi]: Hmm, I don't know how you do it XD

2005-11-22 [Elegy - gone]: Aww, and it looks so much nicer! *beams*

2005-11-22 [Charybdis]: Good call, Elegy :) // Atayemi: there a couple of ways to thumbnail, but the simplest is just to add a number after the "img:" in your image tag. It determines the width of the thumbnail in pixels (for example, on this page things have been thumbnailed to 300 pixels, so the tag would be <img300:imageurlhere>.)

2005-11-22 [Zab]: Char.. you do know how to write it <img300:URL> right? :P yes, good idea Elegy:)

2005-11-22 [Zab]: Ok, you did know..XD

2005-11-22 [Charybdis]: Thppbbt!@Zab :P

2005-11-22 [Zab]: #^_^# well... at first it didn't look like that..>_>

2005-11-22 [Charybdis]: I know :P I always forget where to put the !uQt! ><

2005-11-22 [Atayemi]: Ohh thanks [Elegy - gone]!!

2005-11-22 [Zab]: *grin* ok

2005-11-22 [Atayemi]: Ohh thanks Char!! ^^

2005-11-22 [Charybdis]: No problem ^^

2005-11-22 [Jitter]: Hahaha [Elegy - gone] that owns ^_^

2005-11-23 [Master Fio]: what does everyone think of my picture??? i stuffed up the nose n stuff but its the best horse ears ive ever drawn.

2005-11-23 [Master Fio]: Lol I love the orc picture

2005-11-23 [shotokan_gal]: It's cute :)

2005-11-23 [Elegy - gone]: Thanks, Jitterbug =D

2005-11-23 [Jitter]: [Master Fio] it's lovely!

2005-11-23 [Atayemi]: Wow, thats brilliant Jitterbug!!

2005-11-23 [Neon Black Pegasus]: cool stuff Jitterbug!!!!

2005-11-23 [Jitter]: Thanks *blush*

2005-11-23 [Atayemi]: No problem :)

2005-11-24 [Master Fio]: Should i draw another picture? I sorta want to start on something different just to decorate my house.

2005-11-25 [Leara]: Is anyone even reading the theme? :S

2005-11-25 [Jitter]: o.o I did... I never saw that bold letters there.. Eek...

2005-11-25 [Leara]: ^^;; I feel bad now. :P

2005-11-25 [Mom]: This year, the theme is: What kinds of presents would fantasy races give to each other? (For example, what would an orc give to a halfling?) I saw that...

2005-11-25 [†SYN†]: *feels bad* I'm going to redo mine, and take off my red and green picture.. <3

2005-11-25 [Jitter]: Oh [Leara] Don't! Thank you for telling us in time!

2005-11-25 [Zab]: Exactly, at least people get the chance to correct their mistakes now :)

2005-11-25 [Jitter]: At least those of us who read the comments :p

2005-11-25 [Zab]: *grin* well, the rest just have to read the theme ;P

2005-11-25 [Atayemi]: Hm, mines alright I hope? I know you told me that it was alright Zab......XD

2005-11-25 [Zab]: So why do you ask? :P

2005-11-25 [Atayemi]: Hm, I was just slightly suspicious that people might have been aiming the comments at me..........:S

2005-11-25 [Zab]: Oo why would they? And even if they did, what would it matter? ;P

2005-11-25 [Atayemi]: Hm, I suppose not.....

2005-11-25 [Zab]: Exactly :)

2005-11-25 [Atayemi]: ^^

2005-11-25 [Jitter]: Well yours at least has a present in. I think you're a tad paranoid :p

2005-11-25 [Atayemi]: Hmm, maybe.......XD

2005-11-25 [Elegy - gone]: If I want to submit a second entry, do I put it as a B entry underneath my first one, or at the end of the list as number 9?

2005-11-25 [Atayemi]: I'm not the competition judge or anything, but I would think that you would do that yes :)

2005-11-25 [Elegy - gone]: do what? B entry, or number 9?

2005-11-25 [Zab]: Put a B-entry :)

2005-11-25 [Elegy - gone]: oki doki ^_^ thanks

2005-11-26 [Master Fio]: Mine is theme based but i dont think it's very christmasy. I was gonna put in a more christmasy background but it didn't look right.

2005-11-26 [Master Fio]: Oh and [Elegy - gone] love your second one it's soooo cute.

2005-11-26 [Elegy - gone]: Hehe, thanks ^_^

2005-11-27 [Ramirez]: This'll be interesting o.o;

2005-11-28 [toycar]: how *smiles…innocently >:D* I must finish my exploding evilhamster picture first, but ill then get onto something pretty, which maintains at a ‘visible for all eyes’ know, I’m eating tomato soup, and I just loves holidays, (finished a very stressful final day at college today, so all unnatural behaviour is to be ignored. indeed. I’m rather ecstatic kids.) Means I get to catch up on sleep and drawing. Damn college. All done. I’ll perhaps head off to sleep now, perhaps not… urm…

2005-11-28 [Jitter]: I should redo my entry as well :(

2005-11-28 [Ikko]: yay!^^Now I need to do my last entry!^^

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